Equipment & Technology

3 Types of Industrial Mixers

Mixing is a necessary step in many industrial processes, but the type of mixing required depends on the materials you’re working with and the desired end product. Here are three types of industrial mixers. 1. Ribbon Mixers A ribbon mixer has a wide range of usability, meaning it can be used to mix many kinds of different

Equipment & Technology

4 Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar energy usage has increased significantly after the last couple of decades. Part of the reason for this is decreasing costs that make it more practical for everyone. Another reason is that more people are discovering the benefits of solar power.  1. Widespread Applicability If you live in a sunny environment, it is easier to

Equipment & Technology

4 Types of Planes

Airplanes are essential for commerce and carrying people over a long distance in a relatively short amount of time. Aircraft come in many varieties and sizes to accommodate varying numbers of passengers and the length needed to travel. Here are four of these varieties of aircraft.  1. Single Engine Single-engine aircraft Danbury CT have anywhere from two