How To Choose the Right Candidate for the Job


On your desk is a mountain of paper: resumes stacked for the most recent position. There are plenty of applicants, but which one is the best for the opening? As a manager, you have the daunting task of selecting the next member of the team. How you do it is up to you, but staff members rely on you to make the decision that works for everyone. As you sit through interviews and read through the paperwork, consider the following four things.

1. Focus on Task Completion

Traditional interviews focused on asking a pre-set list of questions. While useful and consistent, this act permitted stale answers and limited management’s ability to understand how people think and respond. While still important, try to combine this technique with some other options. Provide an example assignment or project (something that could be brainstormed in 10 or 15 minutes). 

Use this opportunity to observe how the candidate accomplishes the feat and what concepts arise. This on-your-feet action is vital to getting a good feel for how people respond to stress and complete your work.

2. Review the Resume Thoroughly

On paper, people may seem like the perfect person for the position, but some applicants leave information off that may ruin the impression. Take the time to run a background check on your final contenders. Be sure to perform an SSN trace. While you’d like to think that people are honest, it’s just as likely that they’re leaving out criminal mischief.

3. Pay Attention to Minor Presentation Details

While listening for solid responses, also observe body language and appearance. These details speak volumes about personality and work ethic. Is the person dressed well? Did he or she take the time to think of the right shoes or coordinate the outfit. Those little points show an effort to please and get things correct. 

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Also, eye contact, handshakes and gestures indicate a level of confidence. Eyes on the ground are concerning, showing a sign of intimidation. Nail-biting or fidgeting could be a symbol of anxiety.

4. Get Feedback from the Receptionist

Some people put on a good show for the boss but not for everyone else. Take time to speak with the receptionist and other office team members about how they were treated when candidates arrived or sat in the waiting area. Who was polite? Did anyone come across as overly annoying? This information gives you a vibe of how someone may work with others.

While you have a crucial decision to make, you also have several possibilities to ease the process. Rely on other people’s opinions, background companies and your gut to fill the spot with the right person.

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